hey guys i as away from making post but first i made a cool deign also there is a wizard in the shop that sells MOD MAGIC u buy it with real money and u can use it forever but u can use it ever 30 minutes how cool is that ~warrior7878
Who do you think should be a moderator on Chobots?
also the winner of the riddle contest is...
congratulations robots. here is his poem.
Sonorus Sonorus A mod so fine U can do anything Like climbing on vine Sonorus Sonorus So very nice Good chobot games He has his own dice Sonorus Sonorus So very strong Can lift up a chobot Maybe even e robot Sonorus Sonorus U are the best I would give u my bugs For u and u are the very best
Hey guys, Ghoni was my best friend but he left me :( anyways my friend was his Antimate and he knew every information about him. He plays another game :( Twitter :- www.twitter.com/ghonicazmo Site/Blog :- www.cazmogang.net Words about chobots :- ''Best friends,i missed you alot! Chobots is an awesome game i like it! :) just [complete] playing it and have fun Remember Chat n' Play everyday!'' His kind right? ::) i will get some information about Other Chobots who you missed Waiting for your comments!
here is a picture of the mod magic we did. we used lightning, rainbow, and snow. xD i couldnt get a pic of the lightning. i tried. lol also continue commenting your poems on the post below. i will be checking there.
also i have a contest for u. instead of making the winner get a poem about himself he will get bugs. u will get 1000 bugs if you win. sorry if its too low but i cant transfer bugs so i have to do it myself. here is wat u have to do. u have to write a poem about sonorus. =)
HEY!,what's up? here's the master of the Guess the name mystery i was watching videos of friends and i found these awesome videos! of friends who quitted :( and we all missed them let's see! First : let's start with Jackster35
His funny! lol! i like him and Let's now cry about an agent who left us and he had the most great video ever Ghoni :
i will start numbering the question of the days. =) i liked the names u guys chose. especially the one who did mcfreddy_rules. lol heres a new question.
Everyday i will ask questions. some times it will be questions with no right answer and sometimes with a right answer. this time there is no right answer.
If you could change your name on chobots to anything you want what would it be?
Hello guys. as u see almost every mod has a shirt besides for little ol' sonorus. thats y i designed a FLAG for him. =) i used the 's' from smurfets shirt. its an 's' and another 's' backwards because sonorus begins and ends with 's'. i hope u like it. =D