Friday, July 31, 2009

Hey guys! New Mask comming out soon!

Wow I just had a look on the offical blog and a new mask is comming out check it ;)

Also here is my entry for the video contest I hope you like it!!

Chobots - Where is my pet? - By William from W Chobot on Vimeo.

See ya!


  1. cool like the show

    p.s 1st comment


  2. i love that nice job

    your best frend cookies56~

  3. Hey Sonorus!

    Do you think you could ask the other Chobots mods if I could be a mod?

    I am homeschooled and have lots of time to go on Chobots and moderate!

    I also have lots of experiance kicking and banning because on my friends chat , he has tons of people that come on everyday!

    Please metion me to the rest of them. Please tell them that if they make me a mod , I would take it as a privelae!

    If you need to email me , please do so at !

    Thanks alot!

  4. who else thinks i'm a horrible agent?

    i know alot of you do =(
