Monday, May 18, 2009

McFreddy Art!

here is some art i decided to make.

hope u guys like it! plzz comment! dont forget about my riddle! ill post it tomorrow or in 2 days maybe! :D

EDIT: we just hit 10,000 hits! woo hoo. hope we get a party! :D


  1. Wow! Cool art, McFreddy! Great job!

  2. Sonorus, this is Youngjeezy456 and I really would like to work for your blog. If you would like to then go to and I am sure you would like it. Please check it out. I love your blog and I post EVERYDAY. If you see my website you will see that there is a post for every day almost. Also, I am friends with Ghoni, Warrior7878, and McFreddy. I understand that you don't want to many workers but I want to be a help to your blog. Thanks.

  3. If you want flying shoes(5500 bugs)
    click here:

  4. hi sonerous ur one of my favourite mods because you gave me a angel suit and your blog is awsome!!. Would you like to follow my blog it's
    PS Hikki's allready followed
